Saturday, September 27, 2008


Last night while Makenna was coloring she started counting the crayons. Nothing out of the normal until I, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco! She was counting to 5 in Spanish. I guess watching Dora and Diego has paid off. It was so cute. Then I said, " Seis(6), Siete(7)" and she said, "ocho!" It was awesome. My 2.5 year old can count to five in Spanish. 

Also...We took her binky away...FINALLY... a little over a week ago. It has been rough some nights. Last night though was really good. She slept all night. Nap time has been difficult too. Today she laid in bed talking for 1.5 hours until she fell asleep! I am not ready to give up nap time! Hopefully she will get used to not having a binky and be able to soothe herself to sleep better than she is right now.

Kenna loves baby dolls. She has been carrying them around with her. She gives them bottles, lays them down for naps, puts them in timeout :) and sings them lullaby's. She is going to make a great big sister. I ask her what her baby's names are and she says, "Baby Girl, Baby Brother and Baby Sister."

I can't believe she is almost 3. Some days are extremely hard with her and I can't stand them. Then others are just awesome. I love to go in and look at her when she is asleep. She looks so peaceful. She sure does now how to push my buttons, but she is also able to tell me she loves me and give me big hugs and kisses. I love spending time watching movies with her, reading books and playing with chalk. I miss her a lot when she goes away. She goes to have a grammy sleepover with her grammy Larsen every once in awhile. I find myself not knowing what to do without her. But it reminds me how much I love her and would miss her not being apart of our little family!


Stephanie said...

What a little smarty pants! Makenna is just too cute! : )

Have you all thought of a name yet? How's the pregnancy going?

That's nice that Kenna will still take naps. Pretty much at age two Haley decided she was over nap time. Yeah, that was fun. ; )

Cassie Weske said...
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Cassie Weske said...

I LOVE how you write! You write exactly how I think! I know how you feel, I remember feeling that way when Kolby was with us and also when he would spend time with his great grandma when we lived in Utah and how exited I was to pick him up when it was time! He loved he great grandma and she was so attached to him too. We sure do miss him... words just can't explain. I'm so exited for you and your new little girl to come! MaKenna is SOOO adorable!! I hope that if I ever have a girl that she will be as cute as her! That is so cool that she can count in Spanish! Go Dora and Diego!!

It was so fun talking to you on the phone today! I hope we can get our schedules to meet up sometime to get together. That would be really fun.
Talk to you again soon,