Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kenna's Take on the First Day

Kenna was super excited when I picked her up. She colored a rainbow picture for me and couldn't wait to hand it to me. Her favorite part of the day was playing in the Pretend Center and going outside. She played with baby dolls in the pretend center. I asked her if she was the mommy and she said she played the mommy for a minute, then decided to be a Big kid instead. The blue safety buddy was something they had to hang on during class and not loose. Well that is what Kenna said anyway. She said they had to keep him safe by making sure they were doing safe things. After school we got to go see Ty at his office and eat lunch with him. Kenna was so proud to be in 'her daddy's office!' We then came home and she told me how she wasn't tired and didn't need a nap. I laid both girls down at 12:45pm. Kenna was still talking at 1pm and I told her to go to sleep even if she wasn't tired. Bryn woke up at 2:30 and Makenna was still sleeping. I worried about her so at 4pm...yes 4pm....I went up and checked on her. She was out cold. Because it was so late I woke her up. I guess she really did have a fun time at Pre-K.

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