Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I feel like I haven't blogged in forever....but it has been less than a week. Makenna has been loving school and gets excited to go everyday. I know it is only been a few days...I hope that the feeling stays. Bryn still gets so upset every morning we drop Kenna off and gets so excited when we go to pick her up.
We started a chore chart with Makenna. She gets excited to put stickers on the chart when she completes a chore. For a 4 year old, her chores are: Make bed (as well as a 4 year old can), brush teeth in the morning and a night, put dirty clothes in hamper, and put toys away in her room. I think that since she is old enough to go to Pre-k, that she is old enough to have a few set things that she has to do everyday. I know it isn't much, but she is 4. We haven't really figured out a reward system yet. She does like the stickers though...so maybe it is cool enough just to put a sticker on a chart ;)!
Bryn has been super cranky lately. She has been driving me bonkers. She keeps hitting herself in the head and sticking her hands in her mouth. She would grab at her ear and jaw. So I finally took her into the doc today to make sure she wasn't sick. He said she was good. He thinks she might be getting her 2 year molars. Although her gums aren't puffy and I don't feel them back there. But every else is good so we are blaming it on teething. She hasn't had a fever or anything....just out of this world cranky!! She makes it difficult to go shopping too. The kid can't still. She constantly tries to climb out of the cart and onto the shelves and check-out counter. No matter how much I strap her in anything...her arms and her are so small she gets out. She is magic with how she gets out of her carseat. Crazy little one! She keeps me busy!!

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