Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The past week has been a time of much reflecting for me. I have thought about how much I love my family. My girls aren't perfect, but they are perfect for me. Bryn is one of the happiest, funniest, most cuddly babies I know. I can't stop kissing her. She is just so darn cute. Makenna is so smart, funny and fiesty. She says things every day that amaze me. I have had so much fun with them lately. Makenna is getting ready for her first soccer game this weekend. She has been in preschool one day a week and doing gymnastics. She is a social butterfly. I love to hear all the things she learns in school. She has been into wanting to talk on the phone and text. Yes...I know. She is 3 and she wants to text. I just love my girls. Tyler and I have been talking a lot more lately. He is making time to be with the family more. We enjoy spending time with girls. I love this fall weather we are having. I love the rain. I love cuddling in my bed in the morning with the girls, watching cartoons. I love the time I get to cuddle with Bryn before she goes to bed. I love how Kenna wants to grow up to be just like her mommy. I just can't express how much I really love my family! We aren't the perfect family...but we are perfect for each other!


Joneel said...

Those feelings just keep growing and growing. Family is what it is all about.

The Cherry Family said...

The little moments are so much fun. Sounds like MaKenna and Savannah are probably a lot alike.

Andy and Melissa said...

How sweet. I love the times when I really really feel grateful. Somethimes life is hectic and I forget how cool and great I have it. So then when I get reminded and remember, I love it. It is such a great feeling to be so happy and content with life. Hope ty is doing well in school - this has actually been the most challenging semester for andy, so I cant wait till it is all over.