Friday, April 03, 2009


I have had such a hard time lately. I have been so overwhelmed with taking care of 2 children. Bryn is a baby that needs a lot of attention. Makenna is a 3 year old who wants even more attention. Yesterday Makenna said this to me, "You ruined my life." All I did was ask her to put her clothes on so I could take her with me to the bank. I think she is just trying to learn what she can and can't do, but in the prcoess is driving me bonkers. I am going to lose my mind. Sometimes I feel like I am the worst mom ever. Other times I feel like I am doing a good job. Somedays Makenna is a perfect angel and others I can see her horns. She is being so defiant and bossy. I have tried speaking nice, yelling, time outs, spanking, threatening and giving choices. Nothing seems to affect her! Oh well...maybe she is getting all her bratiness out now and will be a good teenager! least I can dream right?!


Lisa said...

I think it's just the age, Jen. You are being a GREAT mom. Jake is giving me a hard time too. I always thought I had this sweet, mellow child, but sometimes it's like he's gone back to being an infant with all the temper tantrums he throws. I wonder if it has to do with bringing another child into the house. Just keep at it. In no time she'll be your little angel again. In the meantime, I guess this is what they meant when they said being a parent was hard :)

The Cherry Family said...

I'm sure it's just a phase and she's probably still trying to adjust to having a sibling around and not having your undivided attention. I question myself at times too, I think that's normal. It's not an easy job to do. Do you wonder how your Mom did it with 6?

Andy and Melissa said...

I am pretty sure it has something to do with having two - because Stella has been horrible lately. She refuses to eat - anything,and she doesn't stop whining and crying all day. Yesterday in the post office, she literally screamed at the top of her lungs the whole time. The guy taking my box had to keep asking me to repeat myself because he couldn't hear me she was so distracting. And she also now tells me things like, ow - Sterling punch arm. Meaning Sterling punched her, sure, his arm cant reach her when they are both strapped into their carseats, so he didn't even touch her, let alone hurt her, obviously... so I think it is my little window into her mind. She must be being so crazy because she is upset with or jealous or still trying to adjust to Sterling. Hopefully, all these first borns will get over it, and we can get back to having semi normal lives where we don't seem like horrible parents!

shayne said...

We are going through the same thing...I feel your pain, the words, "You ruined my life" have also come from Remi's mouth...haha