Friday, December 07, 2007

Silence...I Kill You!!!

Haha...inside joke huh mom!!

I had to work on Tuesday and Wednesday so Makenna stayed at home with my mom. My was doing the laundry (thanks mom) and had the basket on the floor. Makenna found her life jacket in the kitchen and put it on. She got it all strapped on and then climbed inside the baket and said "boat". She got all settled. Then after saying "boat" she kept saying "pool". She is a nut!

We went to Sams and bought some toliet paper. I took some out of the package and Makenna thought she would fill the open space in the bag. She climbed into the bag and fit her whole body in the space where 9 rolls of toliet paper used to be. It was sooo funny!!

Anyways...My mom came to visit this past week. She came in Sunday night and left this afternoon (friday). We had such a blast. Her and Makenna had a lot of together too! We went shopping, watched a movie, hung out and just laughed our heads off! Makenna enjoyed spending time with grandma. She espeically loved that grandma let her into things mom and dad don't. We keep her out of the kitchen and my mom let her in there the whole week!

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